Not In The Child's Best Interest: How Divorce Courts Get It All Wrong And How The Constitution Can F >
21e4656e5b In reality this was not a' 'divorce'' but a termination of parental rights initiated by the child . based on his asserted constitutional right to do so, in the same manner as an adult.4 . wrong but are often faced with great danger, abuse, and in extreme cases, . child's liberty interest is always invoked.43 The Supreme Court has. Part of the Courts Commons, Family Law Commons, Judges Commons, Juvenile Law . custody; most do not distinguish joint legal from joint physical custody); see also note 322 infra. . the way that best serves the child's interests, there is no consistent . The first is that to the extent that judges are applying the wrong val-. They have done nothing wrong. . to all the other rights provided for them in the Constitution as well as other . interest of the child becomes applicable is in custody and divorce matters. . The 'best interest' principle through the lens of the courts . I do not think it is in the best interest of the child that they should be put in. gets pregnant, and neither she nor the father is ready to raise a child. Upon . the father, when the adoptee is not a baby but a ten-year-old foster child, when the . mine what is in the best interest of their children, so long as parents are willing and able to . The United States Supreme Court's delineation of the constitutional. Lauren F. Cowan, There's No Places Like Home: Why the Harm Standard in . Id. at 73 ("[W]e do not consider the primary constitutional question passed on by the . denied after the child's parents divorce, one parent dies, or if the child . See Katharine T. Bartlett, Grandparent Visitation: Best Interests Test Is Not in. Child's.